Virtual 2021 Kentucky Falls and Osteoporosis Summit to be held Aug. 26
Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths, emergency department visits, and inpatient hospitalizations among Kentuckians age 65 and older. However, older adult falls are a public health concern that is preventable.
On Aug. 26, the virtual 2021 Kentucky Falls and Osteoporosis Summit will feature talks on a variety of topics meant to enhance the understanding of ways to support older adults in aging gracefully. The Summit will be held online from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. and is free to join.
“This will appeal to all individuals who serve the older adult population: senior center directors, physical therapists, directors and staff who work at local health departments and at nursing homes and more,” said Lorne Mangus, MPH, Kentucky Safe Aging Coalition Coordinator at the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC).
Since 2010, the Kentucky Safe Aging Coalition (KSAC), Kentucky Department for Public Health, Kentucky Department for Aging and Independent Living, Kentucky Safety and Prevention Alignment Network (KSPAN), and KIPRC have hosted the annual Falls and Osteoporosis Summit, open to all fall prevention professionals, to provide education and networking opportunities to participants.
“This Summit will provide education on a range of issues that may impact fall risk; will demonstrate a fall prevention program; will discuss rehabilitation after a fall-related injury, etc.,” Mangus said.
Presentations will include “Bingocize: A fun evidence-based falls prevention and health program for older adults,” “Experiences from the Community Paramedicine Program in Lexington,” “Exercise and nutrition’s role in the prevention of osteoporosis,” “Nursing home rehabilitation of injuries incurred due to a fall,” “The role of audiologists in fall prevention,” and “Functional decline and falls.”
Mangus said the PowerPoint presentations from the talks will be available after the summit.
RSVP for the virtual 2021 Kentucky Falls and Osteoporosis Summit at The program agenda is available at
KSAC is the KSPAN’s Falls Prevention Committee. KSPAN is an injury community implementation group that is part of the Kentucky Violence and Injury Prevention Program at KIPRC.
KIPRC is a unique partnership between the Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH) and the University of Kentucky’s College of Public Health. KIPRC serves both as an academic injury prevention research center and as a bona fide agent of DPH for statewide injury prevention and control.