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Kentucky continues to have elevated numbers of fatal and nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses compared to overall U.S. rates. KIPRC is grounded in the belief that workplace injuries are preventable through the proper implementation of OSHA’s Hierarchy of Controls: elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative, and personal protective equipment. It is the goal of KIPRC's occupational safety and health programs to improve occupational injury morbidity and mortality; identify state-specific occupational health priorities and issues; inform work-related standards, regulations, and interventions; and advance usefulness of occupational injury surveillance data at federal, state, and local levels for prevention of occupational injuries and hazards.

The overall KOSHS program focuses on population- and case-based surveillance of occupational injuries and illnesses in Kentucky, with emphasis areas that include prevention of occupational motor vehicle collisions and severe traumatic injuries; total worker health; integration of occupational health programs with other national and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-funded programs; epidemiological analyses of occupational injury…