In 2018, Kentucky State Police reported more than 130,000 collisions on Kentucky roadways (fatal and nonfatal). The cost of Kentucky traffic crash deaths totaled over one billion dollars in 2018. Motor vehicle traffic fatalities are a top cause of death among Kentucky residents in all age groups. Pedestrian-involved accidents account for approximately 10% of fatal motor vehicle fatalities. Additionally, occupational motor vehicle incidents were the leading cause of worker injury fatalities in the U.S. (24%) and in Kentucky (37%) in 2018.

Motor Vehicle Injuries
Associated Programs
Developed by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and Preusser Research Group, Checkpoints™ is an evidence-based teen driver safety program. The program has been adapted for use in Kentucky and is being implemented throughout the state, as it has demonstrated success in other states.
This educational intervention provides parents and teens brief instruction and structure to help them use effective parenting techniques to establish driving rules and consequences for noncompliance and jointly reach a parent-teen agreement to reduce teen crash-related injuries and violations received by teen drivers.
- New counties' application for Checkpoints funding: Click HERE or go to
- Checkpoints information sheet: Click HERE or go to
- 2019 teen driver at-fault collision statistics: Click here to view.
- 2018 teen driver at-fault collision statistics: Go to